concrete 3d tiles have been enjoying huge interest in the recent years. their unique way of giving each space an additional three-dimensional optics changes the perception of the material concrete itself.
the contrasts arising from the rough material result in a very soft, soothing, even organic design ornaments in strong linear rhythm.
the architectural concrete 3d tiles are perfect for public space projects, such as in restaurants, offices, public building halls, beauty salons, stores or even gyms.
a great advantage is the large number of combinations of arrangements creating unique art pieces and thus visually attractive interiors and exteriors.
the production technology is grc (glass reinforced concrete) giving the tiles the highest technological parameters – full hardiness and abrasion resistance at level 4, high strength and minimal base thickness. all the products have full frost resistance, therefore the area of its use is not limited to the interior.
our supplier, artis visio deliberately pursues the policy of a high standard of technological regime while maintaining the naturalness of concrete aesthetics. therefore, all the possible color tonal differences, littleerrors, minor imperfections in thickness and adhesion, smudges and stains are not corrected. every product also has a not exactely defined porosity. the final effect of the surface can therefore be variable, and the porosity is different.
in the case of tile applications on the floors, attention should be paid to the hydrophone protection and anti-slip. the multi-stage technology developed by artis visio provides all necessary hydrophobic properties, surface protection and anti-slip.